Temporary Protection Orders
What are TPO’s?
A Temporary Protection Order (TPO) is a written order from a court that informs the abuser to stay away and stop the abuse, or face serious legal consequences. It offers civil legal protection to both men and women that are victims of domestic violence, stalking, or harrassment.
Types of Protection Orders
- Sexual Assault Temporary Protection Order
- Protection order against stalking, aggravated stalking, or harassment
- Temporary order of Protection for children
- Domestic Violence Temporary Protection Order
Who are TPO’s for?
A Temporary Protective Order (TPO) helps to protect victims of domestic violence, stalking, and harassment. The order will require the abuser to stay a certain distance away from you, your home and your work. The abuser will be prohibited from contacting you in person, by email, by telephone, by mail and through a third party. The court can also order the abuser to stay away from your children if the court feels the abuser poses a risk to your children.
How to sign up to get help?
A person can apply for a Temporary Protective Order (TPO) at Domestic Violence Intervention with the help of an advocate, or you can go to the Justice Court at 73 N. Maine Street Fallon, Nevada 89406. A victim can always seek private counsel, a free community-based advocate, or proceed without representation or assistance of an advocate. The Judge will determine whether to grant a protective order based on the information and evidence presented. For an extension or to dismiss a Temporary Protection Order (TPO), the judge will order a full hearing to make a determination based on the evidence presented by both parties whether to grant or dismiss the TPO petition. Visit Churchill County TPO or Lyon County TPO for more information about the District Court.